How to take and navigate through your course

In navigating the Edwards Mediation Academy online courses, please keep in mind the following items:

* To receive your certificate of completion, you must complete the entire course and successfully submit the required assessments.
* Use the next & previous buttons on the bottom right-hand corner (or forward and back arrows) to navigate.
* You must watch every video and complete each activity before you can go forward. Some videos may appear finished, but you must let the videos play until the end to have the next button appear.
* Orange text indicates something must be done on that page. If the next button is greyed out, that means there is an activity that needs to be completed.
* Bright blue buttons indicate more content- click them.
* You can always review those completed slides (and entire modules); you cannot skip ahead.
* If you exit the course in the middle of a module, you will be asked if you want to resume or start over when you return. Click Resume to go back to where you left off.

Watch the following short video, 

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